
At NTR Inženiring, we were in charge of all the necessary infrastructure for the operation of the supercomputer. This includes, among other things, an electrical energy supply system and a technical cooling system. The Vega supercomputer consumes up to 830 kW of electricity for its operation, and thanks to our system, the electricity required for cooling does not exceed 50 kW. And this in all seasons, which means that the entire annual PUE is less than 1.06. To achieve such effective technical cooling, we designed a direct water cooling system with adiabatic cooling of external cooling units, and the system uses the waste heat to heat the IZUM building. The circular system created in this way ensures efficient and sustainable use of resources and reduction of the carbon footprint. The plan envisages that the surrounding buildings will also be able to be heated with waste heat, which is a cost-effective and sustainable source of energy, in the coming years. We have also upgraded the comprehensive support infrastructure system of the Vega supercomputer with a central control and management system, which ensures smooth operation regardless of external factors. 

The entire system of supply infrastructure, its control and management is the result of domestic knowledge and experience, so we are rightly proud of our contribution to this successful and high-profile project. This is especially true of the efficient cooling system, which has ensured that the Vega supercomputer is not only one of the most powerful, but also one of the most energy-efficient supercomputers in the world! 

Media publications

 HPC Vega

 Superračunalnik Vega (slv)

 IEU MONITORING: Vega: EU Commission and EuroHPC launch first world-class supercomputer in the EU

 ATOS: Atos’ BullSequana powers the first EuroHPC supercomputer operational at IZUM in Slovenia

 NVIDIA: Europe Launches New Era in HPC with World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer

 HPC WIRE: Nvidia and EuroHPC Team for Four Supercomputers, Including Massive ‘Leonardo’ System

 INSIDE HPC: EuroHPC: 4 Nvidia-based AI Supercomputers Coming from Atos, HPE; 4 More on Way

 RTV Slovenija: Superračunalniška središča po državi predstavljajo svoje najzmogljivejše tehnologije

 MIZŠ: Uradni zagon superračunalnika Vega

 Evropska komisija: Zagon superračunalnika Vega v Mariboru

 RTV SLO: V Mariboru zagnali superračunalnik, ki spada med 50 najmočnejših na svetu

 Finance: V Mariboru uradno zagnali najzmogljivejši superračunalnik v državi

 Arnes: Superračunalnik Vega bo v Mariboru postavil Atos

 DELO: V Mariboru najbolj super računalnik

 Dnevnik: Maribor korak bližje superračunalniku

 RTV Slovenija: Z Vego Slovenija polnopravno na zemljevidu superračunalniških držav

 STA: Maribor korak bližje superračunalniku Mariborski inštitut do 17 milijonov evrov »težkega« superračunalnika

 Slovenija pridobila dva »naj« superračunalnika

 Zagnan je največji slovenski superračunalnik VEGA, kateri ponuja neštete možnosti (video)

 V Mariboru uradno zagnali najzmogljivejši superračunalnik v državi

